15 People Who Should Never Attempt A 'DIY' Project Again

By now, everyone out there has attempted a DIY project at one point or another. They don't tend to pan out well. Often, it's due to some really bad judgment. Other times, it's the lack of proper tools or understanding of using them. But all in all, the act of DIYing something can be fun, as long as it's done harmlessly. Sometimes people break this rule, and wind up creating something absolutely horrendous. There's so many ways these things can go wrong, and every one is a little different, but they range from public safety hazards to horrifying art installations.
Sometimes, these creations turn out surprisingly well, but can still be pretty scary, invoking the title of awful taste, but great execution. Other times, everything's a little off (or more than a little), and it's just a total "DIY fail." Either way, we're hoping the following people give up on DIYing anything else ever again, because the rest of the world would be better off.