
10 Funny Thanksgiving Memes For The Big Day

Two Thanksgiving memes in the following collection.
Two Thanksgiving memes in the following collection.

Published November 24, 2022

Published November 24, 2022

Well, Thanksgiving is here in the United States. That means it's time to eat an absurd amount of food while trying your best to avoid conversation with your relatives. This year, many of us are having in-person Thanksgiving with relatives from all around the country or even globe. If you are, we hope you stay safe and enjoy eating a bunch of food that you normally wouldn't seek out on your own, but tradition ordered you to.

Somehow, Thanksgiving is still one of the best holidays out there — despite the annoying in-laws and the potential for argumentative topics around the meal. Hopefully, we can make this Thanksgiving even better with some memes to go along with your main course, since no one really likes turkey all that much anyway.

Here are some of our favorite Thanksgiving memes that have been uploaded to our site over the years.

Eating Healthy This Year, I See

Fight Me

It’s Never Enough

Just a Friendly Reminder

Happy Capitalism Day Eve

It's almost Black Friday Time to waste a bunch of money.

You Can’t Escape Today

Seems Safe

Hey, at least he's keeping safe.

Please Don't

And Now It’s Christmas

Did You Cook It in a Trash Bag?

Seriously, what could have possibly caused this?

Tags: thanksgiving, thanksgiving memes, thanksgiving clapback, holiday, usa, america, thanksgiving meme, collections,