
12 Anti-Memes For People With A Twisted Sense Of Humor

Two images from r/antimeme.
Two images from r/antimeme.

Published February 08, 2024

Published February 08, 2024

While not always true, memes typically follow a certain set of guidelines. They're meant to follow a kind of template and always have a joke or punchline in there because memes are supposed to be funny.

Sometimes, however, it would seem that certain people out there get tired of the jokes, they want realness. This is how anti-memes come around.

Anti-memes are a kind of meme that get rid of the joke completely and instead explain exactly what is going on in the photo. They can be set up like they are going to be a meme, and then end with something obvious and predictable.

Though these memes technically aren't supposed to be funny, no one can really argue with them and in some strange way they end up being a little bit humorous. The proof of this is the fact that Reddit has a whole subreddit dedicated to them. This subreddit is full of the most mundane, normal memes out there. So whenever someone is tired of all this joking around, here are 12 super real, super straight-to-the-point memes.

At What Cost

(Source: Reddit)

Wheels Be Like

(Source: Reddit)

Fine, I Guess

(Source: Reddit)

Brain Swap

(Source: Reddit)

Watch Your Step

(Source: Reddit)

She's a Keeper

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Bother

(Source: Reddit)

He Can Feel It

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Very Accurate

(Source: Reddit)

It Would Be Sadder Though

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: r/antimeme, memes, anti memes, antimemes, anti jokes, can't argue with that, technically the truth, eminem, drake, nintendo, mario, mario kart, collections,