
12 Hilarious 'Thanksgiving Fails' That'll Make Your Food Shine By Comparison

Two images of Thanksgiving food fails.
Two images of Thanksgiving food fails.

Published November 22, 2021

Published November 22, 2021

Are you the primary chef in your family? Are you a good one? We hope you are because as Thanksgiving comes around once again, it's on you and your family to cook the food.

Try not to burn the turkey, mashed potatoes or your mouth this Thanksgiving. If you do, you might find your food in the next batch of "Thanksgiving fails" next year. Good luck!

On A Budget

(Source: Instagram)

Flaming Hot Cheetos

(Source: Reddit)

One At A Time

(Source: Instagram)

Designer Turkey

(Source: Reddit)

Try Again Next Year

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Almost Ready

(Source: Instagram)

Definitely Ready

(Source: Instagram)

Last Resort

(Source: Instagram)

Based Family Recipe

(Source: Instagram)

Post Feast Nap

(Source: Reddit)

"Let's Just Order Pizza"

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: thanksgiving, dinner, food, meal, turkey, burnt, gross, meme, memes, cook, cooking, funny, fail, holiday, thanksgiving memes, pics, collections,