
12 Major Throwback Photos Of Celebrities In Their Younger Days

Two images from r/oldschoolcool
Two images from r/oldschoolcool

Published February 29, 2024

Published February 29, 2024

It's cool to look back at photos from the past to see just how far the world has come. It really was not that long ago that the basic household computer wasn't so basic. It wasn't that long ago that the internet was made. But thinking about it now, it would be hard to imagine life without many technological advances. There are also a lot of celebrities from the past that have shaped modern media. Movies, television shows, and music would not be the way it is today without some of the most iconic names from the past.

Reddit's super rad subreddit /r/OldSchoolCool features all kinds of retro photos of times long gone. These photos are of Redditor's family members and ancestors as well as well-known celebs from long ago. Some of these people are still around today, others, sadly, not so much. Here are 12 photos that will take whoever sees them on a wicked ride back to the past for just a moment.

Tom Selleck, 1980s

(Source: Reddit)

Kurt Cobain, 1989

(Source: Reddit)

Pamela Anderson, 1989

(Source: Reddit)

Kurt Cobain with Tracey, 1980s

(Source: Reddit)

Larry Nance, NBA Slam Dunk Contest, 1984

(Source: Reddit)

Rose Byrne and Heath Ledger, 1999

(Source: Reddit)

Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz with Their Stunt Doubles for "The Mask"

(Source: Reddit)

The Spice Girls, 1996

(Source: Reddit)

Steve Buscemi, 1980s

(Source: Reddit)

Carolyn Jones, 1964

(Source: Reddit)

Jennifer Lopez on Her Birthday, 1999

(Source: Reddit)

Paul McCartney and Damon Albarn, 1990s

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/oldschoolcool, retro, nostalgia, 90s, 80s, old school cool, tom selleck, ferrari, kurt cobain, nirvana, sports, basketball, the addams family, collections,