13 Quick-Witted Comebacks Making Good Points

Coming up with the perfect comeback is something that doesn't come easily to many of us. It is a skill only the quick-witted folks out there typically have, and it's something many people wish to possess, especially in those moments of debate where every possible comeback or response seems to leave your brain all at once.
They always come to return though hours after the conversation, when it is totally irrelevant. Seeing a witty response to someone's argument, question or comment can be pretty satisfying. It's great to see someone get something so perfectly right.
Some of these comebacks too are so extreme they're sure to leave a mark. On Reddit's /r/CleverComebacks, so many of the best comebacks caught in time are shared for all to see. Maybe they will inspire someone to get better at their own comebacks for the next argument they find themselves in. Here are 13 clever comebacks that definitely proved their points.