
14 Head-Scratching Images Taken At Perplexing Perspectives

Two images from r/confusing_perspective.
Two images from r/confusing_perspective.

Published January 19, 2024

Published January 19, 2024

Everybody has seen optical illusions at some point. Like those weird ones that go viral every once in a while and it looks like the object is spinning in several directions at once. They're both strange and cool to see.

Optical illusions exist everywhere though, even in nature and the real world. Sometimes, photographers are just in the right place at the right time to take a perfectly timed photo that results in an illusion or a confusing perspective.

At first glance, the photo could look like something impossible, or maybe slightly inappropriate, but when looking a bit closer the whole scene is revealed and understood. Photos taken from a confusing perspective create a fascinating and silly trick of the eye that can be enjoyed by anyone.

Users on Reddit's /r/confusing_perspective share all of the best double-take-inducing photos out there. Here are 14 to confuse and amuse today.

Snowflake Cookies

(Source: Reddit)

This Projector

(Source: Reddit)

Another Headless Rider

(Source: Reddit)

Powerful Lighting

(Source: Reddit)

What the Heck?

(Source: Reddit)

No Legs

(Source: Reddit)

Look Closer

(Source: Reddit)

A Stump?

(Source: Reddit)

A Tender Moment

(Source: Reddit)

That's Pretty Cool

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh It's a Dog

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Melted Driveway

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: confusing perspective, hmmm, geography, landscape, animals, dogs, subway creatures, reddit, illusion, optical illusion, photography, collections,