15 Amusing Sights From Public Transport

Public transport, like buses, trains, and subways, are convenient and relatively affordable ways for the general public to get around. It's a great service that's available to anyone, and helps a lot of people out for many reasons. One thing to remember when it comes to public transport though is that is is indeed public. This means that just about anything goes on these transport vessels. You have to expect the unexpected when boarding, there's no knowing who, or what, is going to get on next.
That's where the term 'Subway Creatures' comes from. This term categorizes all of the strange people, scenes, and critters that hop on board to their next destination. It's a form of people-watching that is highly entertaining and sometimes a little bewildering. Reddit's /r/SubwayCreatures is just one of the places that can be visited to see these odd sights for yourself. Here are just 15 of those interesting images that were taken on board public transport.