
15 Anti-Memes For A Very Literal Time

Two images from /r/antimeme
Two images from /r/antimeme

Published April 27, 2024

Published April 27, 2024

When you see a joke or a meme there is a certain expectation that comes along with it. In general, a meme has a setup and a punchline, like any good joke. There is a kind of meme though that does not follow this pattern. For anyone who is tired of all the jokes, anti-memes are there to bring some seriousness to the show.

Anti-memes resemble normal memes, but they are made to be totally straightforward and literal. There is no joke to be found in an anti-meme, only facts. Anti-memes may sound boring and not worth seeing, but they actually tend to be pretty silly and entertaining in a weird sort of way. Anti-jokes and anti-memes are for anyone who wants a change in pace, and instead of seeing the sarcasm, they want the truth. Here are 15 silly and serious anti-memes that are working to reshape the way memes are created.

Your current year

(Source: Reddit)

Huge shout out

(Source: Reddit)

Maximum power reached

(Source: Reddit)

This is a cheesy one

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah that's right

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

If you know you know

(Source: Reddit)

Fingers crossed

(Source: Reddit)

Seems right

(Source: Reddit)

Just take it

(Source: Reddit)

He likes it

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, sure

(Source: Reddit)

Losing weight be like

(Source: Reddit)

It was there all along

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: anti memes, /r/antimeme, antimeme, /r/antimemes, sad hamster, spongebob, cheese, history, bows, math, helicopter, bangladesh, mcdonalds, food, weight loss, eminem, gravity, time machine, dad jokes, sarcasm, sarcastic, puns, punny, jokes, collections,