Meme Encyclopedia

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15 Anticlimactic Anti-Memes For A Hilariously Predictable Time

Two images from /r/antimemes
Two images from /r/antimemes

Published March 13, 2024

Published March 13, 2024

Sometimes, jokes are just too much and things need to be toned down a bit. It gets tiring seeing meme after meme, the same jokes, the same idea, over and over again. Sometimes things need toning down a little and made a little more predictable. This is what anti-memes are made for. Anti-memes are normal memes revised to be super predictable and obvious. These memes take the joke and instead of the punchline, the expected ending is put in. For anyone who is tired of the jokes, anti-memes are there to take things to a more serious degree.

Even though anti-memes are not really meant to be funny, since that's the whole point, they end up being funny anyway, for some reason. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, why something that is not supposed to be funny is funny, it's like a failed success, or something. Here are 15 anti-memes from Reddit's /r/antimeme that everyone can enjoy the bluntness of.

Good Armour

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Smells OK

(Source: Reddit)

Started and Going

(Source: Reddit)

The King of Fools

(Source: Reddit)

Probably Anyways

(Source: Reddit)

Uh Oh!

(Source: Reddit)

You're Looking at Him

(Source: Reddit)

Me When I

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, True

(Source: Reddit)

Safe Turtle

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Jose

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

My Mind

(Source: Reddit)

The Same

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: antimeme, anti meme, /r/antimeme, anti jokes, memes, knights, wine, twitter, cars, animals, gorilla, tiktok, shark, ryan reynolds, turtle, guided meditation, jokes, puns, dad jokes, anti joke, collections,

Meme Encyclopedia