Two images from /r/distressingmemes

15 Distressing Memes Making Everyone Uncomfortable

While memes are meant to be all fun and games, some people prefer a more dark style of humor. There are some memes that are less funny and more distressing. It's kind of an odd style of meme, they are meant to cause some uncomfortableness and distress yet still maintain that meme format. Distressing memes are not for everyone and they are not meant to be looked at for long spans of time. Some of them contain content that is a little too real, and some are more farfetched but still create an eerie feeling.

Distressing memes are kind of hard to explain, so the best way to understand them is by seeing them. Reddit's /r/distressingmemes is a subreddit made for all of these very cursed and very uncomfortable memes. For anyone who enjoys some dark humor every now and then, here are 15 distressing memes causing some odd feelings.


You've done it, all life has ceased to be and all is silence once more. but you don't feel accomplished, you feel... empty. using your abilities, you peer into the endless abyss that is the multiverse and see another you. A you that didn't suffer as you have, A you that made different choices, A you were that day never happened. As you sit in the ruins of you're destroyed world, you wonder if that day never happened, would things be different? but you know it's far too late for that, the world is gone and you are alone

(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)


It came from the deep it Destroyed many boats, man made machines, villages and cities There is nothing you can do but hope it goes back into the sea made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Sometimes fr

You have closed eye hallucinations and tinnitus. You will never know darkness or silence. Even as a migraine rages, green flashes of light and a whining hiss bombard your senses. You cannot escape.

(Source: Reddit)

Failed allies

When the aliens visit earth and find the wildlife of the planet. The aliens consider them as possible allies, but that was their last tought,before getting their limbs ripped off them,and get their face squashed by the living creatures on this planet.

(Source: Reddit)

One last time

POV: Global relations have deteriorated past the point of no return. You and a friend watch helplessly as the first atomic bomb detonates, unable to escape the blast radius.

(Source: Reddit)

Oh man…

The sudden death of his beloved wife Alcoholic father who is starting to sober up and become happy.

(Source: Reddit)


Alien bearing witness to a human hopping towards it with a knife in his mouth after having 2 arms and a leg blown off by an orbital cannon while yelling "THIS PLANE HAS BEEN CLAIMED BY THE HUMAN RACE." (The indomitable human spirit was supposed to be a myth)

(Source: Reddit)

Can't end well

A zombie outbreak starts in the US. The US Military takes control, using effective tactics to kill every last zombie within a single afternoon. The threat is over in a matter of hours. Nothing like TWD, fortunately! The US Military refuses to relinquish their emergency powers. Panik Kalm Panik

(Source: Reddit)

Not the fifth floor

POV: You live on the fifth floor made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)


POV the ship you were serving on sunk into the pacific, as you swim your way to the surface noitice something moving in the water with you

(Source: Reddit)

True story

After saving countless mothers from an easily preventable infection, you finally break under the decades of saving thousands of lives. Your family throws you into a sanitarium. You get a small cut on your hand. You are killed by the infection you tried to eradicate for years. Few attend your funeral.

Those aren't stars

You look out your window and see the sun shining It's the middle of the night, and there's 3 of them

(Source: Reddit)


Phew, we escaped the doppelgangers | Amirite, Bo- Bro thinks he's safe

(Source: Reddit)

It's too late

how to troll society as a whole 1) start industrial revolution there's plastic in my blood 5

(Source: Reddit)

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