15 DIY 'Car Mods' That Can't Be Street Legal

It seems a lot of people are into DIY, making some of the wildest homemade projects. But there are some things that really shouldn't be done by people who aren't professionals at their skills, and some things that just shouldn't have been made in the first place. The following images pretty much fall into both categories. They're particularly questionable, since they're car mods, meaning that these cars might actually be out on the street right now, distracting people, or impaling another car with the harpoon attached to the bumper.
Cars are a high-risk investment to be messing around with in DIY projects, especially when they turn to DIY fails. They might not technically be illegal, but we can't imagine they're legal, either. It's also likely that the carpeting on the outsides will become a moldy mess after the car splashes through a mud puddle for the first time. Here are some cars that definitely should not be allowed out on the street.