
15 DIY Projects Gone Wrong(ish)

Two images from /r/diwhy
Two images from /r/diwhy

Published 7 months ago

Published 7 months ago

Not everything needs to be, nor should it be, a DIY project. DIY stands for "do it yourself" of course, and it has become a big thing in the past few years. This is when people take it upon themselves to try and do something that would normally be done by a professional, all on their own, well maybe with a YouTube video to help.

DIY projects can be good for small, unimportant things, like decorations or maybe a fashion piece. For something that is critical to daily life and will be used seriously though, maybe it's not the best option. Still, though, plenty of people try their hands at crafting some very technical things with varying results. Reddit's /r/DIWhy is the subreddit that features all of these questionable DIY projects that had varying amounts of success. Here are 15 DIY fails that probably will not be recreated anytime soon.

Root art

(Source: Reddit)

One way to do things

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This wall-mounted aquarium

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Redd)

Staying cool

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That trim though

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Straight fire

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sure it is

(Source: Reddit)

Ready for paint!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/diwhy, diy, fail, crafts, facebook, fb, cars, car mods, delusional artists, diy fails, do it yourself, projects, reddit, 5 minute crafts, insane people, delusional, atbge, tihi, thanks i hate it, /r/atbge, mildly interesting, hmmm, /r/hmm, collections,