
15 'Easter Eggs' Discovered In Real Life

a collection of people finding easter eggs in real life photos are of a tiny door that says Bilbo Baggins and a roller coaster painted on the ground
a collection of people finding easter eggs in real life photos are of a tiny door that says Bilbo Baggins and a roller coaster painted on the ground

Published April 30, 2020

Published April 30, 2020

While one will usually find an easter egg in video games or movies, it has been brought to our attention that we can now find them hanging around in the actual real world. Whether or not this proves we actually live in a simulation is a different story, but here are 15 of our favorites collected from the subreddit /r/IRLEasterEggs. Here's a sincere thank you to the artists who design and plant these around the planet.

A Fish On His Way To Catch A Plane At The Seattle Airport

(Source: Reddit)

A New Kind Of Russian Doll

(Source: Reddit)

An Actual Easter Egg

(Source: Reddit)

A Hidden Smiley Face On A Polish Soda Bottle

(Source: Reddit)

The Ground Still Uses A Nokia

(Source: Reddit)

Milk Cartons Are Apparently Full Of Them

(Source: Reddit)

Will Now Have To Observe Each One Moving Forward

(Source: Reddit)

A Tiny Door Reserved For Bilbo Baggins At A University

(Source: Reddit)

Paper Plane Instructions On An Envelope

(Source: Reddit)

Stockholm Sweden Has Awesome Subways

(Source: Reddit)

When The Light Just Hits Right

(Source: Reddit)

When Your Curiosity Gets You A Discount

(Source: Reddit)

A Secret Library At Joshua Tree

(Source: Reddit)

Are We Sure This Isn't Banksy?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/irleastereggs, reddit, lord of the rings, seattle airport, mice, doors, dog statue, easter eggs, smiley face, nokia phone, happy halloween, paper airplanes, pacman, roller coasters, amazon, joshua tree, libraries, collections,