
15 Embarrassing Times Someone Missed The Joke

Two images from r/woooosh
Two images from r/woooosh

Published March 02, 2024

Published March 02, 2024

It's easy to miss a joke that isn't that obvious. Maybe someone's leaving out some context or crucial information that would be critical to understanding the joke? Maybe someone just wasn't paying close enough attention to the joke. It's something that happens to everyone and it's embarrassing in the moment but generally passes over time. What's even more embarrassing is when the joke is really obvious and someone still doesn't get it. These are the cases that appear a lot on Reddit's r/woooosh. This appropriately named title features the most cringeworthy moments of people online missing the most obvious jokes that literally everyone understands but them. Whether it is an honest mistake or done on purpose to prove a point, who knows.

Here are 15 terrible moments of r/woooosh that'll leave you feeling a little bad for the oblivious people who maybe truly just do not understand what is going on.

Is It?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Silly Mistake

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah Bro

(Source: Reddit)

Brutally True

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not True

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

If Only

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Google Vegan

(Source: Reddit)

No It's Real

(Source: Reddit)

Facts Though

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy is Smart

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: r/woooosh, woooosh, embarrassing, cringe, cringeworthy, memes, reddit, facepalm, youtube, facebook, fb, mr beast, tiktok, google, vegan, collections,