
15 Entitled People Causing Massive Headaches

Two images of entitled people
Two images of entitled people

Published June 19, 2024

Published June 19, 2024

Entitled people are just the worst, and unfortunately, there are so many of them out there. Entitled people are people who think they deserve everything and then some for absolutely nothing. They make huge demands and if they are not met, they turn into total Karens. Karens and entitled people usually go hand-in-hand, to be honest. No one likes running into an entitled person, but because these entitled people are raising entitled children the cycle will never end, people will have to deal with them forever.

At least there are Reddit subreddits that expose them to the world for everything they are worth. Users collect and document these entitled people showing off just how terrible they truly are. They can be found leaving a negative review for a small business, shouting at their neighbors, or expecting some huge gift from strangers. Whatever it is, it's sure to be annoying. Here are 15 moments of entitled people doing what they do best.

Oh boy…


Ma'am, you're in Tokyo

Lounging on the full train

Street parking

Train your bears

Maybe call ahead for huge orders?

As if anyone will take her up on this

His face says it all


(Source: Reddit)

Neighbour put this up in a public space

(Source: Reddit)

Only allergy-free people

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Do NOT walk your dog

(Source: Reddit)

"Former colleague discussing my pregnancy publicly without permission"

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: entitled people, karens, facebook, fb, news, japan, facepalm, subway creatures, cars, bears, yellowstone, reviews, rent, housing, instagram, planes, travel, signs, parking, passive aggressive, people being jerks, collections,