Two images from /r/sciencememes.

15 Funny Science Memes That Expand The Mind

Arguably, the science and math kids in school were always the coolest. Science isn't everyone's thing, it's hard, confusing and it changes all the time. But those are also the reasons why so many people enjoy it. With science comes math though, and math can be even worse than science, depending on who you are. For those who are big science and math nerds, there are science memes.

Everyone knows that there is a meme for everything. No matter what someone is into, what someone is like, or what they are good at, there will be a meme to go along with it. There are tons of science memes out there for all of the intellectually advanced internetgoers. Reddit's /r/ScienceMemes, which is appropriately named, is just one place to go to find so many science-based memes. There are ones to fit every niche too, chemistry, physics, or biology. Here are just 15 science-related memes that will pique the interest of any science lover today.

Why's It Gotta Be Like That?

Human body in a nutshell I send impulses in a fraction of second I pump 5 liters of blood in 1 minute I filter the whole blood in less than an hour made with memati omg these beans are so tough i need 6 hours to digest

(Source: Reddit)

/r/IAmVerySmart Moment

5h People act like this is so hard, I'm 15 and yea I do have a really high IQ (150s) and I can easily do integrated calculus in my head, and easily calculate the amount of valence electrons in a nucleus. And I'm also highly trained in quantum physics, by the way I'm totally self educated. 5h Reply There are no electrons in any atomic nucleus. 4h Boom! +-12 會 9 ↑3+

(Source: Reddit)

It's True

Στ n=1 Is this infinitely many positive terms? Yep. And each one bigger than the previous? And they're all added togehter? Yep. 0 suppose they are. 0 0 Ище Ище So the sum is infinte. It's -1/12

(Source: Reddit)

And It Stays Happy

SCIENCE IS Science Is Fun FUN 1-1-2-3-5-8 @sciencefunn When you're feeling sad, remember this vertebrae C6 and how happy it is to support you every day

(Source: Reddit)


98 8 =2 49 4 @mmathematical_memes Well yes, Outstanding but it's illegal.

(Source: Reddit)

Oh God…

Roxana Daneshjou MD/PhD ✔ @RoxanaDaneshjou My friend sent me this, and I don't know the source but I can't stop laughing. "Everyone on my floor is coding" Software Engineers Doctors

(Source: Reddit)


NOOO THE EARTH IS AN IRREGULARLY-SHAPED ELIPSOID THE EARTH IS A SPHERE 14% 34% 34% 14% THE EARTH IS A SPHERE 0.1% 2% 2% 959 0.1% 10 score 55 70 85 100 115 130 145

(Source: Reddit)

Close Enough

Physics problem where g=9.8m/s² Lazy students who likes to use g=10m/s²

(Source: Reddit)


Doing Algebra Ber Things start cancelling out Bernie More things cancel out Berni X = X Ber 1776 C OF

(Source: Reddit)

But How?

"LIGHT IS A PARTICLE" 鹅 Refraction

(Source: Reddit)

The Teacher Is Trying

The teacher trying to teach about the 3 states of matter The kid that knows about plasma The kid that knows about Bose-Einstein condensates

(Source: Reddit)

Why Wouldn't That Work?

Teacher: Could we live on Mars? Me, 12 years old science student: Carbon Oxygen dioxide

(Source: Reddit)

It Always Gets in the Way

Interest in Science® Me Math Tolo

(Source: Reddit)

So Rude

Mendeleev: *invents periodic table so people won't have to memorize the elements' properties* Chemistry teachers: *makes the students memorize the table* Mendeleev:

(Source: Reddit)

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