
15 Glimpses Into The Dystopian Side Of Our World

a boring dystopia
a boring dystopia

Published March 29, 2024

Published March 29, 2024

As time goes on, it's becoming increasingly clear that we're living in a dystopia. Sometimes the things society passes off as normal are actually kind of disturbing, and hint to a darker truth about our world. Once in a while, we all stumble across things that look like they belong in George Orwell's 1984. Oddly enough, we don't give them a second thought most of the time, either. We're just so used to seeing them as part of our daily life, and when we come across things like a restaurant with entirely virtual staff, it's not that far out of the ordinary.

From a big corporation taking advantage of late-stage capitalism to citywide mandates of anti-homeless architecture, there are a lot of ways this world can be seen as a dystopia, one that fits right in with some of the infamous fictional societies we see in dystopian literature and films. This is particularly the case on Reddit's /r/ABoringDystopia, where Redditors share some of the most off-putting "normal" finds they come across in real life.

1980s McDonald's vs Today

(Source: Reddit)

The Uvalde Police Department Is a Little Out-Of-Touch

(Source: Reddit)

Homelessness Is Solved

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

AI Detects "Unwanted Objects"

(Source: Reddit)

Guy Builds AI-Steered Killer Drone for Fun

(Source: Reddit)

Construction Workers Have to Use a Different Bathroom than the Boss Man

(Source: Reddit)

Grocery Store Selling Ammunition from a Vending Machine

(Source: Reddit)

Taking Orders at a Restaurant, Says He's Working Multiple Locations Simultaneously

(Source: Reddit)

Religious Dr. Pepper Grocery Store Display

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Come On

(Source: Reddit)

Suburb Built on Top of a Shopping Mall

(Source: Reddit)

"Derelicte" Trash Bag Purse from Balenciaga

(Source: Reddit)

This Ad

(Source: Reddit)

Bitcoin Machine in a Donut Shop

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: a boring dystopia, /r/aboringdystopia, dystopia, late capitalism, 1984, bitcoin, coroporations, companies, collections,