
15 Hilariously Evil Moments Of Animals Being Huge Jerks

Two images from /r/animalsbeingjerks.
Two images from /r/animalsbeingjerks.

Published April 29, 2024

Published April 29, 2024

They can be both our best friends and the biggest headaches. Animals bring joy to the lives of so many people around the world. Dogs, cats and other common household pets are great companions for millions of folks. They offer love and loyalty, they give people a sense of responsibility and purpose, some of them have life-saving jobs, and of course, they are absolutely adorable. Besides all of this though, animals can get up to some pretty silly shenanigans. Even though they're adorable, this does not mean they aren't bad, it just means they are hard to stay mad at. Sometimes it's household mischief, climbing curtains, chewing shoes, sometimes it's mischief amongst themselves, not sharing a toy, getting into fights. Whatever it may be, it is certain that these mischievous moments are still cute, and funny to see. Reddit's /r/AnimalsBeingJerks is a subreddit that captures just that, animals being jerks. Here are just 15 of those adorably bad moments.

Can't have nice things with cats

(Source: Reddit)

It should be big enough for both…

(Source: Reddit)

No one can be comfortable

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh no

(Source: Reddit)

A cat with no boundaries

(Source: Reddit)

She's so comfy though

(Source: Reddit)

Game time is over

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

There is no peace

(Source: Reddit)

What's going on here

(Source: Reddit)

That's the dog's bed

(Source: Reddit)

So rude

(Source: Reddit)

That is not a step stool

(Source: Reddit)

The best pillow is an unwilling friend

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/animalsbeingjerks, animals being jerks, animals, cats, dogs, lego, pets, capybara, goats, funny animals, awww, wholesome, blessed images, blursed, blursed images, wholesome images, cute, so cute, dogs being jerks, cats being jerks, orange cats, silly c,