
15 Huge Corporations Embarrassing Themselves Online

images from /r/corporatefacepalm
images from /r/corporatefacepalm

Published May 11, 2024

Published May 11, 2024

Corporations will always be cringe, this has been confirmed hundreds if not thousands of times since the inception of the internet. There always seems to be a huge cultural divide between the consumer and the company itself, especially regarding online communication. You've probably seen examples of this numerous times, whether it's a brand account making an out-of-touch tweet or a hilariously naive advertisement that just embarrasses the company as a whole.

Reddit's /r/corporatefacepalm is a subreddit dedicated to recording and mocking various examples of corporations being stupid online, from cringy tweets to insider emails showing you how delirious upper management is. This subreddit is a daily reminder that capitalism isn't as cool as we think it is. Unfortunately, we might have to deal with its woes for the rest of our foreseeable future, particularly as the world becomes more interconnected. Prepare to laugh, roll your eyes and feel irked as you explore this collection of corporate cringe.

Chained for eternity

(Source: Reddit)

Corporate dystopia!!!!

(Source: Reddit)

Free popcorn!

(Source: Reddit)

You cannot leave.

(Source: Reddit)

Just stop being poor!

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks YouTube!

(Source: Reddit)

Commute more please!

(Source: Reddit)

Too much to handle… so we won't handle it

(Source: Reddit)

Autism is cured!

(Source: Reddit)

Dank McDonalds meme lingo!

(Source: Reddit)

Phishing emails for Christmas

(Source: Reddit)

The perfect job doesn’t exi…..

(Source: Reddit)

Ummm OK

(Source: Reddit)

Seems legit!

(Source: Reddit)

Apple has run out of ideas.

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: corporate facepalm, meme, cringe, reddit, companies, apple fail, collections, companies, apple fail, collections,