15 Images Reminding Us Just How Old We Really Are
It's hard to believe it's already 2024. Though the past few years have dragged on, we've all really come a long way. Most of us were alive in the previous century, and it's wild to think it's been so long since the year 2000. Though it's sometimes hard to acknowledge it, we're all getting old. It doesn't matter what our age actually is — we just feel ourselves getting older, and ever since 2020, it feels like it's been happening much faster.
If you'd like a comforting reminder that you're not alone, we've gathered some images to prove that we're all getting old together. While we can't return to simpler times, we can remind ourselves that we've come a long way, and the online community relates to the feeling of nostalgia we sometimes feel for the times when gas prices were under two dollars. Here are 15 images to remind you just how much time has passed.