15 Instances Of Hilarious But Unintentional Comedy

Accidents happen all the time, sometimes they can work in your favor, but other times, they can lead to disastrous results. Some accidents are to be celebrated, like the accidental conception of a new sibling, or stumbling upon some change on the sidewalk, while others are a little less unfortunate, like dropping a prized possession or losing your wallet.
In any case, accidents are a very natural and continuous occurrence that you can't get rid of no matter how hard you try, and the internet has made it even easier to document such events for the whole world to see. Reddit's /r/AccidentalComedy is a subreddit dedicated to the recording and celebration of those hiccups that lead to moments of pure hilarity, whether it's a misspelled sign or a picture taken at the right place and the right time, each is a wonderful reminder to find laughter in life's most unexpected corners.