Two images from r/sciencememes

15 Intellectually Elevated Memes For All The Science Nerds

Everyone had a favorite subject in school. Some kids were the English kids, some history kids and of course some theatre and music kids. And then there were the science and math kids. Science is cool to learn about, it teaches the way the world works, which can be fun. Science goes hand in hand with math, and math is not always easy. You can't have the fun parts of learning about animals and plants without some of the difficult math that goes along with it all.

So, to be a science lover, you gotta be smart about all of it to some degree. There are many memes that cater to the science studiers out there. These memes may not be understood by all, but that's okay. These memes are intellectually elevated, made for the people who just get it. Here are 15 science memes from Reddit's /r/ScienceMemes to satisfy the brilliance of the math and science lovers out there.

Technically Not Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

A Whole Unit

Getting a unit named after you Winning a nobel prize

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

In Unison

°F -40° 5.

(Source: Reddit)

So True

physics chemistry me, a biology student who just likes plants and animals @daily_sciencememes

(Source: Reddit)

A Visual Guide


(Source: Reddit)

That's a Big Oops

saying "oops" as a Teacher saying "oops" as a Surgeon saying "oops" as a Nuclear Physicist

(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)

One Is Very Different

Different elements produce different colored fireworks Copper Sodium Barium Magnesium Uranium Strontium

(Source: Reddit)

What's That About?

(Source: Reddit)

The Worst

What we study in class: pasta fishball strands of hair mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell fishballeolus fishball membrane pickled ginger lime coral M cabbage orange matcha pepper peel What we see on the exam paper:

(Source: Reddit)


"bae I'm pregnant" "NASA has lost connection with Voyager 2 by accidentally sending wrong command"

(Source: Reddit)

Odd But True

(Source: Reddit)

Please No

A in an equation: V in an equation:

(Source: Reddit)

Chemistry Problems

"hey we have a meeting in room 1s² 2s² 2p 3s² 3p6 4s² 3d10 4p6 5s¹ 4d1⁰" Be PURE Na Mg Ca Sc Rb Sr Rh W Re Os Ir Zr Nb Mo Tc Db Sg Co Ni Cu Zn Ne Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Se Br Dy Ne Ar Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Kr Mc Lv Ts Og LU

(Source: Reddit)

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