
15 Karens Acting Incredibly Entitled

Two images from /r/entitledbitch
Two images from /r/entitledbitch

Published March 25, 2024

Published March 25, 2024

Some people really are the absolute worst. Everyone knows what kind of person a Karen, the middle-aged, white moms who always want to speak to a manager and are never happy about anything. Karens are also another level of entitled people. Entitled people are also some of the absolute worst people out there. They think the world revolves around them, so everyone should cater to exactly their needs and wants no matter what.

These people make living a stress-free life very hard, and the worst part is that there really is no pleasing them. Nothing will ever be good enough for them and these terrible traits will be passed onto their kids, continuing the endless cycle of entitled people. Though they are pretty unbearable to deal with, seeing them on the sidelines can be funny. Reddit users are devoted to sharing stories and moments of entitled people being absolutely insane. They are wild stories and social media posts to scroll, but entertaining as well. Here are 15 entitled people being huge Karens, upsetting the world one person at a time.

Don't Walk Your Dogs in Front of My House

(Source: Reddit)

Warranted Pettiness

(Source: Reddit)

No Way

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is the Bird's Manager?

(Source: Reddit)

The "Luxury"

(Source: Reddit)

Shame on Them

(Source: Reddit)

Because They're Closed

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh Please

(Source: Reddit)

Feelings Got Hurt

(Source: Reddit)

It's Not How That Works

(Source: Reddit)

This Happens a Lot

(Source: Reddit)

$8 is a Lot Honestly

(Source: Reddit)

How Embarrassing

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/entitledbitch, entitled people, facebook, fb, dogs, insane people, twitter, kids, flying, planes, instagram, influencers, camping, tipping, uber, yelp, reviews, parenting, moms, disney, school, snapchat, karens, trashy, collections,