
15 Karens Being So Entitled It Hurts

Two images from /r/fuckyoukaren
Two images from /r/fuckyoukaren

Published June 24, 2024

Published June 24, 2024

There aren't many fates worse than having to deal with a Karen during your day. Karens are generally middle-aged white women who feel that they are entitled to the entire world. They think the world revolves around them and they should be catered to all the time. They are some of the absolute worst people out there, causing headaches of all kinds to anyone who stands in their way.

They can be seen shouting at young retail workers, leaving bad reviews on small businesses, or spouting off online about their neighbor's lawn. They know no bounds when it comes to things to complain about. It is satisfying when they get called out for their insanity though and what better place to expose them than on Reddit. For anyone who wants to see just how far some Karens will go, here are 15 terrible Karen moments that will make anyone shake their heads.

How dare they?

Oh no…

NO beeps

They wanna speak to the cat's manager

Oh come on

So ungrateful

Not joking


It isn't

How do people like this exist?

A vegan Karen, terrifying

Good luck with that


A break is a break

They fired back

Tags: karens, entitled people, target, facebook, fb, kids, roads, maps, entitled moms, cats, dogs, nature, reviews, restaurants, halloween, comments, food, vegan, tipping, tipping culture, music, reddit, people being jerks, insane people, collections,