Two images from /r/fuckyoukaren

15 Karens Being So Entitled It Hurts

There aren't many fates worse than having to deal with a Karen during your day. Karens are generally middle-aged white women who feel that they are entitled to the entire world. They think the world revolves around them and they should be catered to all the time. They are some of the absolute worst people out there, causing headaches of all kinds to anyone who stands in their way.

They can be seen shouting at young retail workers, leaving bad reviews on small businesses, or spouting off online about their neighbor's lawn. They know no bounds when it comes to things to complain about. It is satisfying when they get called out for their insanity though and what better place to expose them than on Reddit. For anyone who wants to see just how far some Karens will go, here are 15 terrible Karen moments that will make anyone shake their heads.

How dare they?

Top contributor 59m I have had it with kids playing with the Target red boutside. I saw a (about) 16 year old teenage girl jumping and standing on top of the ball which is extremely hazardous. My question is.. where are the parents?? My word of advice- please make sure your kids are not ruining somebody else's simple day of errands by being a prominent interruption in front of the Target building. Thank you.

Oh no…

Home 4 Restaurants ◆ Parks 67° ● 44 AQI Karen Dr Karen Dr Karen Ln aren Trail Karen Dr Karen Way 20 Gas Karen Dr 426 Karen Trail Karen Trail Google Sho

NO beeps

< 3:28 49 Stop locking your cars after 8 pm. Some of us have small children and would appreciate it if you'd lock your car WITHOUT the beep beep noise before 8pm. If it's not an option then an at least disarm the beep beep noise from under your hood. I've heard from numerous neighbors myself included, it's unwanted and unneeded. Once you have parked your car, lock it, and be done. It's not an all night routine unless your coming to my home to put my children back to sleep or your hiding drugs in your car. So please stop! I already have one neighbor on my radar for drugs and I will call the police if it continues. Have some respect, there are families that live here! Thanks!

They wanna speak to the cat's manager

Heather I'm sick and tired of all these cats getting on top of my brand new truck and laying on it. They need to do more than just "fix" the cats. There's still an abundance of stray cats and people who let their cats roam and I'm sick of them being up on top of my vehicles. It's getting out of hand. 23h Like Reply

Oh come on

< 2:29 PM Verizon Everything 33% O Ma. I walk my dogs around Johnson 27m Pond, and have noticed the pond is being taken over by lilly pads. Is there anything that can be done to get rid of them? ✓ Like Q Comment Send

So ungrateful

4.5 ★★★★★ 995 reviews Reviews aren't verified. 18 hours ago NEW Had a meal here last night, it was a long awaited catch up with family, the food was good but the only trouble is with this restaurant, they are constantly rushing you to order, the waiter said you need to order soon because this table is booked for 7.30pm, we had only just sat down, we didn't even have time to look at the menus and as soon as you order it's course after course and then they want you out, it's a shame because you can't enjoy a relaxing meal, I know they are busy but to me they want you in and out as quickly as possible to make way for the next people, I think it's just a money making racket, to get as much custom as they can in one night. Food: 4/5 | Service: 2/5 | Atmosphere: 2/5 Like Response from the owner 13 minutes ago I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Please allow me to clarify the circumstances surrounding your visit. On the day, your group of 6 arrived without a reservation, and at the request of your friend, we did our best to accommodate you. You were seated between 5:30-5:35pm, and with another reservation set for that table at 7:30pm, we believed a 2-hour window would provide ample time for an enjoyable meal. For this reason, when your group had yet to place an order by 6pm, our staff kindly prompted you to do so, ensuring that you wouldn't feel pressured later on. Despite our efforts, it appears you still felt the service was rushed. Please note that you were provided the table until almost 8pm. For future visits, we recommend making a reservation to guarantee a seamless dining experience. Our priority is our guests' satisfaction, and we always strive to provide the best service possible. We value every customer and made every effort to accommodate your group, as opposed to not offering a table at all.

Not joking

Mike 1h Neighborhood Watch Hey everyone I have a few words for our community. Also I can't respond to comments so if you agree please DM me or comment on my page. So here it goes, If you want the ugliest yard in the neighborhood, just put up halloween decorations. Simple. What kind of modern society wants to see dead bodies and such? I wish some people would grow up and have some class. We are better than this. Why not decorate with beautiful things? Isn't the purpose of a decoration to beautify? Let's be different. Let's get creative and not let retail stores trick us into buying the ugly stuff they want to sell us. Seriously, who wants to store a skeleton in their closet for most of the year? If we stop buying that stuff, maybe we won't have to look at it in the stores either. That would be nice. If I see any untasteful decorations this year I will be contacting the authorities. Thanks! ** I am not joking so please stop saying I am. Why would I joke about something so serious? This really affects my family and community. Be more empathetic towards other. Thanks! 25 32 comments


4:35 CTN 77% Congratulations to you both S 22h Like Reply Awesome! Congratulations!! 22h Like Reply Oh how wonderful! Congratulations! 11h Like Reply Your all woke, sad world we live in. 1h Like Reply It's spelled you're* if you're going to be a hater, you can at least get it right ⚫ 3m Like Reply Congratulations Write a comment... |||

It isn't

Please don't use this lawn service. They started at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning with the leaf blower - they are still at it at 10:35. Be the first to react 10:00 doesn't seem that early? Now Like Reply Share Like 1 Comment ✓ Share ...

How do people like this exist?

5:54 Mail California woman angry about waiting in line is sentenced for throwing Molotov cocktail into bank By Cheri Mossburg, CNN Updated 2:01 PM EDT, Thu Jun 29, 2023 (CNN) — A woman convicted of throwing a Molotov cocktail into a Southern California bank after becoming angry over the wait for a teller was sentenced to two years in prison on Tuesday, federal officials said. Terence Millet 6 Home Audio OF throw the Q g Search Settings

A vegan Karen, terrifying

8 GINO'S Gino's Cheese Steak & Onion 1d. → A few weeks ago, the phone at the store rang. We went to answer it like we do 100 times a day - answer, take the name, take the order and give a time for pickup. Nothing to it. Boy, were we wrong. The woman on the other end said she lived in the village after moving a few blocks away from our restaurant in the middle of November of last year. She went on.... "I'm a vegan, my family is all vegan. The kids have never had meat. My husband hasn't had meat since we met 4 years ago. It was never a problem before because we weren't outside throughout the winter. Now that we have full access to our back yard, all we can smell is your meat cooking and it's making my husband miss steak." Honest to god, at this point in the conversation, we thought it was joke or prank call. We have a large following and sometimes people like to have fun with us. Thinking we were playing along and matching the vibe, we said... "Oh hunnv. vou have much bigger problems if "Oh hunny, you have much bigger problems if my meat is tempting your man to the other side." (we really hoped it was a prank and the clip would go viral) We thought that was a witty response. She umm...did not. And it became apparent that it was not a prank call. At this point, she became VERY irate and said if we didn't stop "invading her sacred family space" (yes, she said sacred) with beef, she was going to call the Village office and police department to start taking action to get us shut down. Our response, you ask? "We've never been the sharpest of cheddars on the cheeseboard, but can you legally shut down a restaurant for smelling too good?" She hung up. NOTE TO HUSBAND: We'd like to invite you to our store for a sandwich on us. In fact, come and enjoy our Sausage Fest Thursdays! The first time it's free - after that, you're going to our store for a sandwich on us. In fact, come and enjoy our Sausage Fest Thursdays! The first time it's free - after that, you're going to have to pay for the sausage your wife can't give you. We'll even Lysol you down before you leave, we wouldn't want her to smell us on you. Be careful, don't get caught with a grease stain on your collar - your wife will know you've been cheating....shhh...just our dirty little secret. Credit: Sausage Fest Thursdays - only the best - Gianelli Sausage (hot or sweet) is served up in an Amoroso roll and covered in peppers and onions, served with a side of fries for only $9.50 2.7K 363 comments ⚫ 187 shares 111

Good luck with that

Anonymous member's Post ☑ Forest Hills NYC Anonymous member. 40m. → I've decided to start carrying a tip jar as a customer. I'm not joking. When I eat in a restaurant or shop at a store I'm keeping them in business and helping employees have jobs. Why not give me some spare change or a dollar for supporting your livelihood. Appreciation should go both ways. 11 7 comments


The sales girls can't even look me in the eye. Earlier, I was in the dressing room of my favorite upscale resell shop trying on dresses and listening to the rap station they had on. I thought it was an odd choice, but didn't have a problem until an x------, unedited DMX song came on with the 'n' word, 'd' word, 'p' word and all sorts of horrible lyrics. I yelled from the dressing room, "Really!?! Do you think this song is appropriate?!" Then, I came out wearing a dress not even zipped in back and unleashed my inner Alpha female. . ."Excuse me, do you think this song matches our clientele? The words are very inappropriate. Could you skip this song, please?" A pink-haired girl finally looks up and says she can switch the station. I thank her and return to the dressing room where she proceeds to play the rest of the entire song! I'm in the dressing room yelling, "REALLY!?!" By now my inner Latina is all fired up. Finally, the station is changed to '90s alternative. I buy all four dresses and a clutch purse. As I'm checking out, I say "Thank you for switching the station. Good choice." ☺ Pink-haired girl ignores me. Then, I explain to the blonde-haired girl that the DMX song was just over-the- top. She says, "Have a good day." No apology. I wish them a good weekend, but they can't. . . even. . .look me in the eye.

A break is a break

r/Costco Employee wouldn't answer my question because she was on break?? I have 99/100 had wonderful interactions with Costco employees. I'm not even mad about this one, just confused? There was a camping chair that was under two price tags, wasn't sure which one it was. An employee was walking buy and I said 'hey quick question" Ans before I could ask it she said "oh I'm sorry I'm on break, I forgot to tske my name tag off', took it off and kept walking. Then to make it even weirder, she spent her break chatting to another coworker, on break, sitting on two patio chairs RIGHTA NEXT to the chair I was going to ask about. I didn't say anything or complain because it wasn't a huge deal....just kind of socially odd since she could have answered my question faster than it took her to explain she was on break. 0 30 ↑ Share +

They fired back

karen 7 May 2023 wrap was all soggy so couldnt eat it jist ate the chicken and burgers were missing food that was advertised Hi Karen had a look into your order you ordered 2 burger meals and a wrap and chips which was all packed and sent out to you? We can only deliver what you order! Maybe cut down on your drinking and then you won't forget what you ordered

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