
15 Karens Being The Worst People Around

Two images from /r/fuckyoukaren
Two images from /r/fuckyoukaren

Published April 19, 2024

Published April 19, 2024

Having to encounter a Karen is like a real-life boss fight. It's annoying and terrifying, and no one really wants to have to deal with it. Unfortunately, though, Karens are out there, and likely always will be. Of course, Karens are the kinds of middle-aged women who are just never happy. They don't like to listen to rules, they feel entitled to everything, and they're generally just unpleasant people. They'll always want to talk to a manager because they don't trust just anyone, and then even they will degrade the manager.

They are honestly worse than any boss battle because there's no winning with them, there's rarely even a middle ground, it's usually their way or no way. Karen's make the world a harder place to live in. As a way to deal with the pain they cause though, users on Reddit share their worst Karen stories and best Karen memes as an act of solidarity to show that no one is alone in dealing with their terror. Here are 15 Karen stories and memes that really capture what it's like to deal with these people.

A hopefully true story

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Uhh… what?

(Source: Reddit)

They mad

(Source: Reddit)

A daily occurrence, I fear

(Source: Reddit)

This is awkward

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Mind your business

(Source: Reddit)

This can't be real

(Source: Reddit)

The customer is not always right

(Source: Reddit)

A male Karen

(Source: Reddit)

Pokémon is the new devil

(Source: Reddit)

No washing your car

(Source: Reddit)

Someone hates Christmas

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/fuckyoukaren, karens, karen, people being jerks, twitter, that happened, reddit, reviews, facebook, fb, insane people, dogs, sushi, pokemon, nintendo, cards, kids, christmas, petty, passive aggressive, boss fight, entitled people, collections,