
15 'LinkedIn Lunatics' Exposing Their Insanity Online

Two images from /r/linkedinlunatics
Two images from /r/linkedinlunatics

Published June 10, 2024

Published June 10, 2024

The one place you would expect people to be mature and professional on the internet is actually full of insane people, for some reason. This place was made for working individuals to connect. It is for bosses and companies to share information about their companies and their work. As it turns out though, many of the people on here are actually rather out-of-touch, and like to share their insane takes on work and life with the world. They think that there should be no work-life balance, that people should just work till they drop, essentially.

They make remote work seem like the worst thing ever, and in general, they are just a little tone-deaf. Reddit's shaming subreddit /r/linkedinlunatics is used to expose these hustle culture individuals who just don't know when to stop. So here are 15 LinkedIn lunatics spreading their odd agendas and wild thoughts online for all to see.

Talk about burnout

(Source: Reddit)

10 masters degrees

(Source: Reddit)

That did not happen

(Source: Reddit)

This has to be a joke

(Source: Reddit)

Just HR things

(Source: Reddit)

Candidates are the problem

(Source: Reddit)

Choose your hard

(Source: Reddit)

They like being on the subreddit

(Source: Reddit)

That's an intense selfie

(Source: Reddit)

Turn on your camera, I guess

(Source: Reddit)

The comment checks out

(Source: Reddit)

HR posts chat after candidate decides not to join

(Source: Reddit)

Why is this on LinkedIn?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

100 hours a week

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/linkedinlunatics, linkedin, work, jobs, work life balance, harvard, university, school, kids, that happened, lying, hr, work from home, remote work, zoom, remote, remote jobs, indeed, workday, resumes, ceo, bosses, collections,