
15 Majorly Disappointing Products And Meals

Two images from /r/expectationvsreality
Two images from /r/expectationvsreality

Published April 10, 2024

Published April 10, 2024

It's a shame when things don't work out the way they are expected to. Especially when something is lining up to be perfect, when it's looking great, and then it all comes crashing down. This happens a lot with marketing, things tend to look ten times better on the ad or in the photo than it actually is in real life, and it's always super upsetting. Take fast food for example, that burger in the ad never will be the one that comes through the drive-thru window. Or the frozen meals in the grocery store — no way the microwave is making that gourmet dish.

Sometimes we do it to ourselves too, with ambitious baking projects or crafts. It happens to everyone from time to time, and users can share their most disappointing moments to Reddit's /r/ExpectationvsReality. This subreddit is full of sad comparisons of expectations against their realities. Here are 15 of those very sad but very real times, and some of them are pretty bad.

The family photo

(Source: Reddit)

Taco Bell is always a little disappointing

(Source: Reddit)

These 'blackout' curtains

(Source: Reddit)

Domino's cheese volcano

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This was $13

(Source: Reddit)

It's so flat

(Source: Reddit)

The 7-Eleven cheese bread

(Source: Reddit)

Baking is hard

(Source: Reddit)

Pizza Hut "Ninja Turtles" themed pizza

(Source: Reddit)

Poor things

(Source: Reddit)

What the-

(Source: Reddit)

It's not even close

(Source: Reddit)

Something went terribly wrong

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/expectationvsreality, scotland, family, fail, food, taco bell, smh, facepalm, disappointing, pizza crimes, hmmm, gross, stupid food, 7-eleven, baking, cakes, teenage mutant ninja turtles, donuts, spring, lisa frank, nails, collections,