15 Memes Making Science A Lot More Interesting

Everyone had a favourite subject in school. Some people were the literature kids, some were the history kids, there were the band and theatre kids of course, and there were the math and science kids. When it comes to math and science, it's a sort of love or hate kind of deal. The ones who got it, got it, and everyone else was forced to suffer through it. The math and science lovers would go on to further their education in these subjects.
Of course, as with anything, there are many math and science-related memes out there. There is a meme for everything these days, and the science memes are plentiful. There is a whole subreddit for them on Reddit. The subreddit /r/sciencememes combines the world of math and science with the world of laughter to create memes for a certain kind of person. These memes may be understood by many, but fully appreciated by few. Here are 15 science memes to satisfy the inner nerd in everyone.