15 New Year's Memes From 2024 To See How Accurate The Internet's Predictions Were

Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations are officially behind us. But hey, it's a brand new year, which means it's a new opportunity to try new things, like writing down "2024" on every paper, crossing it out, and writing "2025," instead, which also happens to be the biggest change at the turn of the new year.
All around the world, people are getting back into the swing of things, and trying to catch up after all the holidays, especially those of us who pushed problems to deal with after the break. Now, reality has caught up to us.
If you're looking for some memes today to help you through this difficult time, there's a lot out there for you to enjoy as you cope with the post-holiday world. Here are just a few memes that might hit differently this time of year to see how people's humorous predictions and jokes from the beginning of 2024 fared a year later.