15 Off-Putting Messages From Creepy Internet Users
There's quite a wide array of people you can meet when you're online, and many of them are not the sort of people you want to interact with. Some of them are kind of terrifying, actually. When people slide into your DMs, there's no way to predict what they're about to say. Sometimes it's an unsolicited image you'll want to erase from your memory, and other times, it's just a normal person who seems to be trying to make friends. However, there are times when even worse things happen in these conversations, things that are just plain embarrassing, while also remaining pretty creepy.
Once in a while, a perfect storm of cringe will appear in a user's DMs. Usually, these messages are sent by someone the recipient knew vaguely from online messageboards, but never interacted with one-on-one before. And after seeing these messages, they'll certainly never, ever want to talk to these people again. Here are just a few of these such messages from people who are too far gone to talk to people in the real world.