15 Out-Of-Touch Comments From Very Proud Americans

It's pretty stereotypical of Americans to be in love with their country, that's what the whole "patriotism" thing is about. It's fine to be proud of where you are from but some people take it a little too far, or honestly a lot too far. It's also fairly stereotypical for Americans to be a bit out-of-touch and delusional about theirs and other countries, and while we don't want to play into stereotypes too much, some people make that really hard to avoid, because they just won't stop talking.
When it comes to comparing America to other places, especially Europe, a lot gets revealed about the way that a select few Americans think about the world. Reddit's /r/S***AmericansSay is a subreddit that captures all of the unhinged insanity that these Americans have to say about themselves, their country, and ultimately the rest of the world as well. Here are 15 Americans being a little clueless about the world.