15 Painful Moments From The Job Search Process

Looking for, and actually obtaining a job, isn't that easy anymore. Once upon a time anyone could go in and hand in a resume to be considered for a job. Going through interviews and answering questions wasn't nearly as terrifying as it seems to be now. These days it seems like everywhere is short-staffed but no one is actually hiring. There are all these job ads that never seem to disappear, and so many people who still need jobs, it just doesn't add up.
There are a lot of things that make the job search process a huge pain these days. Between insane questions, unreal amounts of interviews, or unhinged employers, anyone who does have a good job should be grateful for that, because it's rough out there. Don't even start with the salaries, some of these employers offering minimum wage for a master's degree and 10 years of experience? As if. For anyone struggling themselves, you are not alone, Reddit users share all of their worst experiences finding a job with the world. Here are just 15 of those painful moments.