
15 Passive-Aggressive Signs And Comments That Really Got The Point Across

Two images from /r/passiveaggressive
Two images from /r/passiveaggressive

Published June 08, 2024

Published June 08, 2024

Everyone has had a moment or two of passive aggression before. It may not be the most mature way to deal with a situation, but it usually does the job of getting the point across, and maybe that's all that matters. Sometimes the passive-aggressive way is the only way left to deal with something. Sometimes other venues have been explored and nothing seemed to work. Some people just don't get the message until it is delivered with passive aggression that truly hits differently.

Acts of passive aggression can be found in the wild, usually in the form of signs left in work spaces or apartment complexes or between roommates, or in public areas. They really can be found anywhere, and it is always entertaining to see them. Reddit's /r/passiveaggressive is a subreddit made for documenting all of these sweet moments of passive aggression that get the point across in the best way possible. Here are just 15 of them from people who were sick and tired of whatever was going on.


(Source: Reddit)

Fair enough

(Source: Reddit)

On a local pub bench

(Source: Reddit)

The definition of noise

(Source: Reddit)

Embarrassing that this is necessary

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not your mother

(Source: Reddit)

That'll be stuck in your head now

(Source: Reddit)

Could have been nicer about it

(Source: Reddit)

They told 'em

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ah, roommates

(Source: Reddit)

Blocking driveways

(Source: Reddit)

Sure thing

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/passiveaggressive, passive aggressive, cats, signs, snapchat, facepalm, /r/facepalm, people being jerks, yikes, oof, big oof, insane people, karens, entitled people, entitled karens, entitlement, work, jobs, collections,