
15 People Completely Missing The Whole Joke

Two images from /r/woooosh
Two images from /r/woooosh

Published June 06, 2024

Published June 06, 2024

It's never fun to be the person who isn't in on the joke. It happens to everyone sometimes, both in real life and online. It's awkward when it happens in real life but usually, it gets forgotten about fairly quickly. When it is online though, it exists forever, because everything on the Internet is kind of permanent. So when someone misses a joke online it is that much more embarrassing and awkward.

Some of the things people miss are pretty obvious that it's actually shocking they were able to miss the sarcasm in the first place. It almost seems like some people are doing it on purpose to seem smart, which is just so much more cringeworthy than if it was an honest mistake. Reddit's very awkward subreddit /r/woooosh is a subreddit made for these terrible moments of people missing the very obvious joke right in front of them. Here are 15 that are truly insufferable.

It's for Pringles

(Source: Reddit)

Have you though

(Source: Reddit)

Got 'em

(Source: Reddit)

Okay, and?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So sad

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

"As a vegan"

(Source: Reddit)

Correcting a pun

(Source: Reddit)

It's New York

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So you say…

(Source: Reddit)

Could be possible…

(Source: Reddit)

Not a cat

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/woooosh, woooosh, reddit, gym, twitter, minecraft, video games, gaming, memes, science memes, facebook, fb, spongebob, /r/teenagers, camouflage, vegan, puns, new york, cats, star wars, jokes, missed the joke, /r/facepalm, facepalm, collections,