15 People Posting Absolutely Deranged Takes On Social Media

In the United States and most developed countries, we have freedom of speech. This is widely considered one of the most important fundamental rights of all people. Over the centuries, we've come a long way in creating a society that allows people to say what they think or believe without the fear of legal repercussions (well, within reason). The thing is, though, some people might be a little too comfortable with our modern freedom of speech. These people tend to congregate on sites like Facebook, and they come up with some of the most outlandish conspiracy theories on a very regular basis.
Freedom of speech is good, of course, but the following people should maybe be on some sort of watchlist, for the sake of the rest of us. From political takes to total Karen behavior, these people don't quite realize how insane their social media posts are, and we can't help but be fascinated by it. Here are 25 times people maybe should have thought more before they hit "post."