15 People Who Definitely Didn't Do These Things On Purpose

It's really obvious when someone tries to say they didn't do something they absolutely did do. Everyone is going to make a mistake or post something cringeworthy from time to time, the worst thing you can do after that is to try and play it off as if you didn't mean to do it. The classic "my friend took my phone" or "my cat stepped on my keyboard" just isn't going to cut it anymore. Even if whatever you did is really terrible, it's better to just own up to it and apologize or take it back than try to backpedal for a mile to undo it.
Do better next time. On Reddit's /r/OopsDidntMeanTo, users find and record all of the moments of people who just totally didn't mean to do that thing they did. Whether it's a regretful message or a 'candid' photoshoot, these people just don't want to own up to it, for some reason. Here are 15 cringeworthy moments from people who definitely didn't do these things they did on purpose.