15 Perplexing Optical Illusions And Perspectives That Trick Your Mind
Sometimes things just end up in the exact right place at the exact right time, which creates the perfect opportunity for something amazing to happen. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, great pictures come from it.
Everyone has seen optical illusions, and many have gone viral over the years, gaining the interest and curiosity from many. While some are easy to figure out after a few moments, others truly are nearly impossible to figure out. Optical illusions are especially fun because a lot of the time people see different things and have different perspectives on what they are seeing.
Reddit's /r/Confusing_Perspective, and related subreddits, are full of images caught at the right time and place. These photos might need a couple of looks, and maybe a second opinion or further explanation to figure out. Here are 15 images that are taken from confusing perspectives to challenge the mind today.