15 Photos From The Nightmarish World Of Job Hunting

Looking for a job right now is one of the most painstaking processes it seems. The unemployment rate around the world is crazy, and although it seems like everywhere is short-staffed and hiring, no one can get a job. Or the jobs that are out there and offering are absolutely insane. Whether it's crazy long interview processes, a bad atmosphere and crew, or a wage that is less than livable.
Whatever the issue may be, the bottom line is that those looking for a job or career are having a really rough time. Across various avenues of social media, users share their worst experiences and moments from their time looking for a job. The following images contain both real-life examples and memes about the whole experience. So if you have a job that's pretty good, be thankful while you take a look at the lives of these 15 people as they search for jobs.