15 Photos Proving People Can Be The Worst
With everything going on in the world, why do some people have to make things even worse? While there are a lot of good people out there doing great things, and for the most part people aren't all terrible, there are some truly bad people causing massive headaches out there. Some people just have no shame, no remorse and no consideration for the people around them. Karens are just the surface of how terrible some people can be.
These kinds of terrible people leave evidence of their insane acts behind too, which tend to get caught on camera and posted around the internet for people to see and shame, which they deserve. Reddit has a lot of subreddits for this purpose, and seeing the kinds of stuff some people do might make you feel like a better person. It also might make you lose some faith in humanity, so it's a win-lose kind of deal. Here are 15 people being bad people, with photo proof.