15 Pieces Of Advice That Are Helping No One
Some people should not be giving advice to others, and they make that very clear. There are some people out there who think they know it all and that their advice is the key to everything. In reality, the advice they give is usually very outdated, out-of-touch and just plain ignorant. They see real problems people are struggling with, such as mental health issues, and suggest just thinking more positively as a cure. It's pretty cringeworthy to see and honestly kind of infuriating as well.
The motivational posts and inspiring messages they spread really don't end up doing all that much, or not as much as they hope for them to do, anyway. Reddit's /r/thanksimcured is a subreddit that exposes all of this bad advice for all to see and shake their heads at. Some of it is pretty atrocious and just so, so delusional. Here are 15 of those instant cures for any battle anyone might be dealing with.