15 Positively Heavenly Memes From Reddit's 'Comedy Heaven'

Welcome to the amazing world of /r/comedyheaven, a collection of such bad, often unintentional memes that they're absolutely hilarious. The term "Comedy Heaven" directly opposes "Comedy Cemetery," another subreddit that showcases the absolute worst type of memes. While both are similar in a sense, they couldn't be more different from each other. Regardless, both subreddits showcase the absolute absurdity of internet culture and how humor can take many different forms.
This collection contains a wide range of memes, images and texts that defy the rules of traditional comedy. The subreddit /r/comedyheaven is a celebratory community of all the jokes that are hilariously terrible, ones that have surpassed their expiry date, and have grown incredibly out-of-touch, and yet they still garner a good chuckle or two. It's quite a paradoxical world where the worse a joke is, the funnier it gets. Prepare to laugh, or maybe even roll your eyes at these memes, and remember not to take everything so seriously.