15 Posts For Everyone Who's Had Enough Of The Job Application Process

The job market is in a bad place right now. There aren't a lot of openings out there, especially for those who have gone to school for years to study one particular thing and now can't find any positions available in that area. It's a frustrating time for anyone who's looking for a job, despite companies frequently claiming that young people simply don't want to work anymore (which couldn't be further from the truth).
If you're currently looking for a job, whether you're trying to get away from your current one or you're stuck in the never-ending nightmare of unemployment, the following images will speak to you on a whole new level. These images were shared by people who have had enough of the job application process, and want you to know that you're not alone. From ridiculous interview requests to rude emails from recruiters, these are some examples of the wildest things people have come across during their job searches.