
15 Professionally Out-Of-Touch 'LinkedIn Lunatics'

Two images from r/Linkedinlunatics
Two images from r/Linkedinlunatics

Published January 09, 2024

Published January 09, 2024

There are many sites and social media platforms that aren't super surprising to find insane people on. The personal sites like Facebook allow people to get personal and delve into their lives. Finding some craziness on there is to be expected. There is a site though that is meant for the professionals, LinkedIn was made for professionals to connect and share their thoughts.

The site, though, has become overrun by out of touch, grindset followers who think everyone should be an entrepreneur making millions a year. For obvious reasons, this just is not possible, but these folks don't believe it. There are so many posts on there that just show how insane these people are. From thinking weekends should be abolished to working on holiday. It's just unreal. From the site that wouldn't be expected to be insane, here are 15 individuals who take themselves, their lives and their jobs just a little too seriously.


(Source: Reddit)

Crazy Times

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tag the CEO

(Source: Reddit)

Down with Vacation

(Source: Reddit)

Is That So

(Source: Reddit)

The Best Day of the Year

(Source: Reddit)

This Feels Weird

(Source: Reddit)

Hey, What?

(Source: Reddit)

Dude Quoted Himself

(Source: Reddit)

Haters Gonna Hate

(Source: Reddit)

Standing Out

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: linkedin, linkedin lunatics, new year, twitter, new years, work, jobs, kids, school, grind, collections,