
15 Puzzling Optical Illusions Created By Confusing Perspectives

Two images from /r/confusing_perspective.
Two images from /r/confusing_perspective.

Published 9 months ago

Published 9 months ago

Every so often, very strange optical illusions go viral on the internet and leave people scratching their heads wondering what the heck they're looking at.

There are many people who'll try to figure out what's going on in the photo, but everyone sees something different — as we saw with the infamous dress fiasco many years back. Optical illusions are strange. After all, it is just a photo, so why is it so hard to figure out what you're seeing?

While they may be troublesome to work out, they are also super cool and fun to decode. Photos taken at just the right place and time can sometimes form into a sort of illusion. That's what can be found in Reddit's community known as /r/ConfusingPerspective. This subreddit contains so many photos, both taken and found in the wild, of things that just aren't quite lining up. For a strange and mind-boggling time, here are 15 photos taken from confusing yet totally perfect perspectives.

Folded TV?

(Source: Reddit)

This Is One Photo

(Source: Reddit)

Is She Okay?

(Source: Reddit)

When You Are the Target

(Source: Reddit)

Boats in the Sky

(Source: Reddit)

An Ambiguous Door

(Source: Reddit)

It's Floating

(Source: Reddit)

Super Shiny Rims

(Source: Reddit)

Whose Head Is Whose?

(Source: Reddit)

Uh Oh

(Source: Reddit)

A Chair Error

(Source: Reddit)

It Sank

(Source: Reddit)

There's a Mirror Involved

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/confusing_perspective, hmmm, illusion, confusing perspective, dogs, tinder, optical illusion, illusions, interesting, mildly interesting, photography, animals, /r/hmmm, the dress, viral illusions, photos, cursed images, collections,