15 Screenshots From The Darkest Depths Of TikTok

The app TikTok is shockingly popular. It used to be an app that was embarrassing to have on your phone, but these days people are judged for not having it. To be fair, there is a lot of pretty great content on TikTok. There are tons of creators posting educational and helpful videos and a lot of comedians making some pretty entertaining content. Of course though, among the good is the bad. There are some unhinged, insane people on the app as well, making videos that probably should never have been made public.
People are willing to share a lot online, and sometimes it just goes a little too far. Whether it's a video admitting to some insane act or a comment saying something totally out-of-pocket. As insane as some of the content is, it is still pretty funny. For anyone whose 'for you page' is actually normal, there are lots of places to find these obscure videos and screenshots, and some people have preserved some of the weirdest ones they've stumbled across. Here are just 15 very unhinged, very odd screenshots from TikToks that probably shouldn't exist.