
15 Shower Thoughts For Inquiring Minds To Ponder

Two images from /r/showerthoughts
Two images from /r/showerthoughts

Published April 26, 2024

Published April 26, 2024

Ever had a thought cross your mind that you've never really thought about before? Something peculiar and intriguing that you can't really give a straightforward answer to? These are the sorts of thoughts that can be found in Reddit's /r/ShowerThoughts. A shower thought is a kind of thought that you only have some of the time.

They're called "shower thoughts" because they tend to come to mind when you are alone, at peace, not really thinking or worrying about anything else, like the time that is spent in the shower. They can be ideas you've never thought of before, rhetorical questions, questions that alarm or confuse. They just get you really thinking about life. Just in case your own brain doesn't come up with any of these substantial thoughts, there are tons of places to find ones other people have thought about, Reddit and Twitter have plenty. Here are just 25 of those strange thoughts created by inquiring minds.

Thankful for that

(Source: Reddit)

Born just in the right time

(Source: Reddit)

Fake it till you make it

(Source: Reddit)

Good point

(Source: Reddit)

I want to hear their side

(Source: Reddit)

What about middle stage?

(Source: Reddit)

That's crazy

(Source: Reddit)

There must be a better way

(Source: Reddit)

Khan Academy has saved the grades of so many students

(Source: Reddit)

Makes you think

(Source: Reddit)

Good game though

(Source: Reddit)

We need a stats report for everyone

(Source: Reddit)

How often do you use caps lock?

(Source: Reddit)

That would be horrifying

(Source: Reddit)

Good thing those glasses came out

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/showerthoughts, shower thought, reddit, water, hydro homies, school, history, confidence, hmmm, horoscopes, astrology, dentist, jobs, recruiting, khan academy, board games, monopoly, games, mildly interesting, /r/hmmm, interesting, collections,