Two images of shower thoughts from instagram

15 Shower Thoughts From The Depths Of Our Minds

The brain is a strange thing. It can come up with some really bizarre thoughts, totally unprompted. Sometimes your mind does its best thinking when its totally alone. Not usually when you really need it to be working well, but alas, in the lonesome quietness your brain can think of some weird things. Shower thoughts is the term for the kinds of thoughts that you may have never had before. They are usually strange realizations that are odd but undeniably true.

If you have never had one before, not to worry. The rest of the world shares their deepest shower thoughts with everyone via sites like Twitter, Instagram and Reddit. There are many accounts dedicated solely to enlightening the world with these unusual yet interesting thoughts and tidbits of the mind, and there are new ones every day. Here are 15 of them to spark some inspiration and wonder today.

Kinda True

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings A guy can decline an invitation by saying his girlfriend won't let him go and everyone will likely understand. But if a girl declines an invitation by saying her boyfriend won't let her go, people will likely get concerned.

(Source: Instagram)

I Just Haven't

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings ... don't date me unless you want to be constantly amazed by the amount of movies and shows i've just never seen

(Source: Instagram)


Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings When people make fun of you for being short, they're just saying the worst part about you is that there isn't more of you.

(Source: Instagram)

Technically True

H Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings When it rains, tall people get wet first.

(Source: Instagram)


Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings That feeling when you're smart enough to know how awkward you are, but not smart enough to know how not to be awkward.

(Source: Instagram)

So Embarrassing

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings The real walk of shame is going back to your friends after bowling a gutter ball.

(Source: Instagram)

Every Time

This only happens when I'm angry or late

(Source: Instagram)

Better Parenting

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings You should let your kids stay up however long they want but force them to go to school in the morning or they lose their allowance. That's closer to preparing them to adulthood than making them go to sleep.

(Source: Instagram)

The Rest Isn't That Bad

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings The 10 minutes before throwing up is worse than actually throwing up.

(Source: Instagram)

Yeah, Why?

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings Society just decided that 18 is an adult with no scientific proof whatsoever.

(Source: Instagram)

I Hope So

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings You were that attractive stranger someone was too nervous to talk to.

(Source: Instagram)

It Is

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings Pretending to not understand sarcasm is the greatest form of sarcasm.

(Source: Instagram)

So Weird

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings Isn't it weird that we have one hand that knows how to do everything and then one hand that just sits there like "Idk how to hold a pencil"

(Source: Instagram)

Which One?

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings If you met an exact copy of yourself, you'd either be super annoyed with each other or best friends.

(Source: Instagram)

Outdated, But That Only Makes It Worse

Shower Thoughts @showerfeelings In 2 months 2020 will be 4 years ago

(Source: Instagram)

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