
15 Shower Thoughts No One Really Thinks About

Two images from /r/showerthoughts
Two images from /r/showerthoughts

Published May 10, 2024

Published May 10, 2024

When do you have your best ideas? It's probably different for everyone, but one common place people seem to have a lot of really profound and sometimes confusing thoughts, is in the shower. That's when people are alone and stuck with just their thoughts. That fact is the reason the term 'shower thoughts' was created. Most people have probably heard of this term before because it's so specific to the kind of thought it describes.

Many people have shower thoughts all day long, probably even when they are outside of the shower. Lucky for the rest of the world sometimes they choose to share their shower thoughts so everyone can get in on the deep thinking. Reddit's /r/showerthought is a subreddit containing many of these thoughts from all kinds of brainy individuals. For anyone who wants to get their gears going today, here are just 15 very deep, influential shower thoughts questioning many parts of life.

It just makes more sense

(Source: Reddit)

True shame

Strange, but true

(Source: Reddit)

So many little, unknown records

(Source: Reddit)

Are sweet potatoes healthier?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

My brain can never figure it out

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Pretty much

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, we have

(Source: Reddit)

It'll be normal soon

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine that

(Source: Reddit)

Who really has freedom?

(Source: Reddit)

Risky business

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: shower thoughts, /r/showerthoughts, water, kitchen, hydro homies, soda, streaming, netflix, records, potatoes, food, school, ipad kids, sports, jobs, technology, phones, names, baby names, cars, electric cars, kids, freedom, dashcam, collections,