
15 Simple So-Called 'Cures' For Difficult Situations

Two images from /r/thanksimcured
Two images from /r/thanksimcured

Published May 30, 2024

Published May 30, 2024

Some people are a little too confident about what they know and don't know. That is to say, there are some people out there who like to advise about things they don't truly know about. This can be harmful, and it is always super cringeworthy. Usually, this happens with matters concerning mental health. Some people, especially the hustle culture gym bros, like to say that mental health concerns aren't real, and all people need is to exercise!

This kind of attitude shows how out-of-touch some people out there truly are, and proves that we have to take the opinions of people on the internet with a grain of salt. While it is super annoying and visually painful to see people so confident about their bad advice, it's also entertaining to see just how tone-deaf some folks are. Reddit's very sarcastically titled /r/thanksimcured is a subreddit full of this kind of poor advice. Here are 15 tidbits that probably won't work for anyone.

Thank you, masculine soul

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, A.I….

(Source: Reddit)

You will become a tree

(Source: Reddit)

Just pick

(Source: Reddit)

Oh please

(Source: Reddit)

Speaking truth

(Source: Reddit)

Just stop!

(Source: Reddit)

Does he know about growing anything

(Source: Reddit)

Aw man is that it?

(Source: Reddit)

Better listen to TJ Power

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously though

(Source: Reddit)

Math ain't mathing

(Source: Reddit)

Wish I could

(Source: Reddit)

So simple

(Source: Reddit)

It's that simple

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/thanksimcured, thanks i'm cured, twitter, anxiety, alpha male, google, ai, reddit, facepalm, memes, funny signs, instagram, exercise, hustle culture, travel, work, texts, asthma, cringe, cringeworthy, /r/facepalm, hmmm, collections,